Sunday, 11 April 2010

Safari in the desert horses of the pyramid

ذهبت الى رحلات سفارى فى الصحراءوسط الطبيعه والجبال والخيم ورحلات باجى وجمال وخيول عربى وقضاء وقت ممتع فى الصحراء ومجالس بدويه معنا سوف تقضى وقت ممتع جداا

I went to the safari in Asahrast nature and the mountains, tents, trips Baji and the beauty of Arab horses, and spend some quality time in the desert and Bedouin boards of us will spend some quality time Earnings
For reservations or query/للحجز او الاستعلام:
2-web site &/facebook:Gabri Traveller Safari
3-mobile: (020)0105459875